Fear and Doubt? No thanks!

Kein Zweifel!

„Aren’t you afraid or have any doubts at all?“

I often hear that question when I’m telling people about our round-the-world trip. My clear answer to that question is „No!“. But I keep on thinking about why people even ask that question. Am I taking that decision too lightly? Should I be afraid or have doubts?

I read an interesting article (unfortunately it’s in German) on Ute’s Blog BRAVEBIRD a while ago. She is currently starting an all new life and writes down the doubts she has, achieving this new phase of life. Actually her situation is a bit different from mine – I’m planning to step off the grid for the next 1 to 2 years; Ute is going to completely leave her old life behind and doesn’t ever want to go back there – but in opposition to Ute I don’t grapple with sleepless nights. My conscience doesn’t ask nasty questions. But why?

I’m basically a person who doesn’t brood much. I’m in fact always optimistic. I got a diagnosis a couple years ago that sounded awful at first. I told a few close friends and every single one of them was deeply shocked. I myself was rather untouched because I already had discussed the options I’d have before the final diagnosis was made. I knew I’d have to get surgery and afterwards everything will be fine. Fall asleep, wake up, be healthy again. No big deal. Not every disease can be healed that easy – so why should I rack my brains?

Koh Lanta Old Town

That’s how I handle most things. I’m dealing with them in a positive way. And that’s how I’m doing it with our rtw trip. Of course I’m thinking a lot about it, but I never ask myself if it was the right decision not to get a new job but doing whatever makes me happy instead. I made that decision consciously and I think I know what I’m getting into. Of course I know that reality will be different from what I’m expecting, but I’m not afraid of that. If I was afraid I probably won’t be able to handle bad situations properly. And we definitely will get into them.

My dear friend Diana once told me that she always thinks of the worst case that can happen. In my case the worst would be not to have any money left or getting tired of traveling. But if that really happens, all I have to do is booking a flight to return back home – if I don’t have money I’ll advance it. I will take home tons of amazing, priceless memories of experiences and impressions that will ease the current situation. Besides I don’t think that this case will occur.

Anyway, it’s a good thing to think of the worst case when you have second thoughts. That’s also one of many hints Tim Ferriss is giving in his book „The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich“. He lists a lot of exercises that will help you to get rid of your doubts. I can highly recommend the book.

I believe it depends on what type of person you are. Some think a lot about life-changing things and some don’t. I’m an optimist. I don’t let people talk me out of anything I want to do. And my conscience never would try to do so. Maybe I’m able to take doubting people their second thoughts with my positivity?

Thus: Don’t craze yourself! If you want to try something new, just do it. You don’t have to close the door back to your old life for good.

Über den Autor


Früher saß ich den ganzen Tag im Büro am Schreibtisch - heute bin ich angehende Weltenbummlerin, Fotografin, Texterin, Geschichtenerzählerin und Reiseplanerin.
In diesem Blog erzähle ich die Geschichten, die mein Freund Patrick und ich auf unserer Weltreise erleben - und gebe Tipps zur richtigen Vorbereitung einer Langzeitreise und zu einzelnen Reisezielen.

2 Kommentare

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  • Mona,

    it is so refreshing to read your blog. I love your attitude in „Fear or Doubt? No Thanks! Nothing to Lose.“ I read a quote recently: „You are only truly free if you have nothing to lose!“

    I wished I had a bit more of you in me!!! 🙂 Kuss!

    • Gabi,

      thank you so much! I totally agree with that quote! It’s really liberating to have nothing to lose – I know that since I sold all my belongings. Maybe you should do the same? I tell you how to do it 😉

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